Servicing All of Connecticut and Westchester County NY

Benefits of Dehumidification

Water damage is one of the most destructive types of damage that can happen in your home. Not only does can water itself damage your walls and carpets, but water in your home can quickly lead to mold. While we all know to look out for leaky pipes and floods, high humidity in your home is less obvious, and can also lead to mold growth. Dehumidification will keep your home safe from mold.

Why Does Dehumidification Help Prevent Mold?

Mold spores are everywhere, and are brought into our homes every day without us noticing. There's nothing we can do to keep them out, but we can control if they grow. Mold grows easily in any moisture in your home. Humidity levels as low as 60 percent can help mold grow indoors.

What Are Some Causes of Humidity In My Home?

So how does humidity get out of control? Here are some causes of humidity in your home:

  • Badly ventilated bathrooms or kitchens. When you shower or cook, moisture can build up in your bathroom or kitchen. Without proper ventilation, this can lead to condensation on your walls and ceilings, and allow mold growth.
  • Leaky pipes or appliances. Despite being a source of water damage themselves, leaky pipes and appliances contribute to the humidity of your home by introducing more water into the air.
  • Humid weather. If it's humid outside, it will be humid in your home. Particularly during the summer months, humidity can increase drastically in your home.

Dehumidification helps you control humidity. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends you should limit indoor humidity to between 30 and 60% to prevent mold.

When Should I Call a Professional?

If you notice condensation in your home, you have poor ventilation, or you live in a particularly humid area, professional dehumidifier installation will prevent mold growth. The sooner you take care of your high humidity, the less likely mold is to grow.

However, if you already see or smell mold, it's time to call a professional. Removing mold is an involved process, and professionals have the tools and training to completely remove mold using a process called mold remediation.

Mold remediation involves:

  • careful containment of the mold so it doesn't spread during removal.
  • treatment or rebuilding of moldy pieces of your home.
  • helping you find and fix the high humidity that led to mold in the first place. Since mold spores are always present, if the humidity issue isn't fixed, the mold can return.

BioClean Can Help

At BioClean, we can help you keep your humidity levels under 50 percent with dehumidification. If you suspect you have mold in your home, we can start the mold inspection and mold remediation process, ensuring the mold is completely removed and stays gone. Contact us today for a free quote!

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