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How to Protect Your Stone Walls from Mold Growth

Mold is everywhere; from the air we breathe, inside our houses, on the walls, and virtually any habitable place the fungi can find. In fact, we as humans can do very little to eradicate it completely from our daily lives. The good thing, however, is that there are some steps you can take to prevent and remove any mold growth on your stone walls.

Why Does Mold Grow on Concrete Walls?

For mold to grow, it requires two critical elements- moisture and food. Although your stone walls do not contain sufficient nutrients for mold growth, the thin layer of dust that settles on the surface contains more than enough nutrients. This means that mold will always grow on your walls unless you're willing to wipe your walls frequently.

Of course, even if your stone wall is covered with dust, mold can't grow without moisture. More often than not, controlling the moisture is easier and more desirable than controlling any other aspect of mold growth. This includes tackling both the airborne moisture (humidity) and liquid moisture (flooding, vapor drive.)

How to Prevent Mold Growth 

Stone walls are poor insulators. Therefore, they can become quite cold, especially during the winter months. This coldness can cause moisture to condense on the walls hence triggering mold growth. Here are three ways to reduce relative humidity and prevent mold growth:

  • Increase the Temperature- The warmer the air in your home, the lower the relative humidity. Increasing the temperature of your home will sufficiently increase the temperature of your walls hence preventing condensation of water droplets. However, it is worth noting that if your house's temperature increases but the temperature on your walls remains the same, the problem will remain.
  • Improve the ventilation- Assuming that mold growth often happens during the winter months, bringing in some fresh air from the outside will reduce the relative humidity. The reason behind this is that warm air has a higher capacity for holding moisture. So, if you bring in cold, wet air from the outside and heat it, the net level of humidity will drop.
  • Dehumidify- While this is not the first recommended option, it is occasionally the only option. Dehumidification works well in reducing the moisture in the air hence preventing mold growth. However, you need to understand that dehumidification requires a significant amount of electricity, and it does nothing in improving the indoor air quality of your home.
  • Counter liquid water intrusion- If any part of your home is below grade, then you've created a huge empty bowl surrounded by water. If you don't have the right sump pump, the water will likely make it through your stone walls. The best thing to prevent liquid water intrusion is by engaging professional services to perform the remediation through HEPA vacuuming, steam cleaning, sandblasting, and the use of fungicides to kill mold spores.

Eradicate the Mold Today!

It is impossible to overstate the need to have a mold-free home. It is not only detrimental to your health but also makes your walls look disgusting and unappealing.

At BioClean, we specialize in identifying, removing, and cleaning areas that have been affected by mold regardless of the cause. We value punctuality and customer satisfaction, above all else. Feel free to contact us today, and we'll be more than willing to help you get that mold to go away.

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