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Mold Inspection and Air Quality Testing: Avoid Respiratory Issues

What To Expect In Air Quality Testing

Air quality testing has the ability to identify multiple contaminants in your indoor air supply, including mold. Mold inspection is typically a visual inspection of a house for mold. These tests are a good idea if you are suspicious of mold in your home.

An air quality test will involve taking a sample of the air in your home. It is then assessed for any pollutants. The tests can include testing for allergens, asbestos, mold, radon and more. A broad-spectrum air quality test is useful if you are suspicious of an indoor air pollution in your home. You will be provided with highly accurate information regarding what type of mold is present in your home and how much you have. One of the tough things about air quality testing is that the amount of mold spores in the air can change drastically in a small amount of time, which then gives varying results at different times. 

A full mold inspection brings in professionals so that they can search for mold in hard to reach areas of your home. They will have the capabilities to detect mold in walls and wall cavities, foundation walls, crawl spaces, air conditioning systems and heating vents and attics. There are many purposes for mold testing that include the obvious of detecting the presence and source of mold, eliminating potential health risks and planning a mold remediation. 

Mold is a serious problem that should be discovered as soon as possible. Therefore, if you have any inkling that there might be a mold problem in your home, you should call a professional company and schedule an in-home mold inspection or air quality test. 

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