Servicing All of Connecticut and Westchester County NY

The Process of Permanently Removing Mold

At times, getting rid of mold can feel like a game of whack-a-mole. As soon as it seems like you've removed it all, another spot pops up and spreads to new places. Are you just unlucky, or could there be a deeper reason the mold keeps coming back?

Why Does the Mold in My Home Keep Coming Back?

Here are a few common reasons why mold treatments don't stop the mold from returning:

  • Leaky faucets that haven't been completely fixed
  • Pipe leaks behind walls that go unnoticed
  • Ventilation issues (lack of, poorly positioned, or damaged fans/vents/shafts)
  • Older windows that don't have proper sealing
  • Collecting condensation from malfunctioning AC 


If you've been dealing with mold for a while, you're familiar with the process. Whether you choose to do it yourself, or hire professionals, the process of removing the mold requires a few, clear steps:If you don't have many of the signs above, but still suspect you have a mold issue hidden in the walls, basement, or vents, here are a few symptoms common to mold-exposure:

  1. Suit up! Be sure to wear a mask, eye protection, gloves, and clothing you don't mind getting a hot wash once you're done
  2. Ventilate. Be sure every window and door in the area is open if possible, and set up fans if necessary
  3. Isolate. Using double trash bags, cut out and dispose of any contaminated areas (rugs, dry-wall, wall-paper, even insulation!)
  4. Repair. Find the source, whether it's a roof leak dripping between walls, a pipe, or condensation. After trying something, wait a few days to be sure no new moisture has reappeared.
  5. Clean. Using cleaning products of your choice, spray and scrub all areas with mold that you are unable to move. Repeat the process as many times as necessary
  6. Dry and replace. Finally, make sure the area is completely dry before repainting, adding new insulation, or repairing a wall.


If you have a mold problem that just won't go away, or suspect mold is lurking in areas beyond the naked eye, BioClean is ready to help. Contact us to set up an appointment today!

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